Canadian Urns Wood Selections

At Canadian Urns, we use solid hardwood construction throughout. We believe that an urn should be built with the same level of craftsmanship as a piece of fine furniture. We hand select all of our hardwoods from our Ottawa based supplier, KJP Hardwoods. These four woods allow us to play with contrast and subtle textures in the design of your urn.

Black Walnut

Black walnut is highly prized for its dark brown, straight grained, true heartwood. It is heavy, strong, shock resistant and yet can be easily worked. Black Walnut is one of the most durable hardwoods in North America. The wood holds its shape well after seasoning, which makes this wood even more attractive for woodworking. Colours will fluctuate in this beautiful wood from a dark chocolate brown to light tan colour in the sap wood.


Natural cherry wood is one of the most prized furniture hardwoods in North America. Cherry is a smooth-grained, reddish-brown hardwood that comes from the American Black Cherry fruit tree. Cherry is renowned among woodworkers and furniture aficionados for its colour and aging process. It starts out a light pink to medium brown and darkens over time to a rich reddish hue with a lustrous patina. It holds fine detail very well when carved using the CNC router.

Canadian Hard Maple

Hard Maple is a wonderful wood to work with. In tree form, Hard Maple is often referred to as Sugar Maple, and is the tree most often tapped for maple syrup here in Canada. We use this wood for all of our urn inscription plates as it holds the crisp detail of small lettering and detailed graphics that can be produced with our CNC router.

White Oak

White Oak is strong and durable, commonly used for staves for barrels, lumber, flooring, and interior woodwork. It is a wonderful, heavy, stable wood to work with that takes an oil finish very well.


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