Customizing your urn with detailed inscriptions is made possible through the use of our CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) router. The inscription plates are made of Canadian Hard Maple and are finished to a satin lustre for beauty and protection.
When you choose an urn you will be able to specify what you would like to appear on the inscription plate - really it is UP TO YOU. We have no preset limitations on font choice or graphics or wording. This is an urn you will want to memorialize your loved one and you will live with the choices you make for a long time. Using our computer aided design software we will generate a very realistic picture of what your inscription will look like before anything is cut. You will always receive such an image to approve before we go ahead. This is a sample of the type of image you would receive (Note: all of the names and dates here are fictitious for illustration purposes only.)

Once the inscription plate design is finalized and has been approved by both our in-house copy editor and the customer, it goes to the shop where the CNC router carves out the details. Note that this is NOT laser engraving. That is an entirely different process where a laser beam burns the image and words into the material. This is CNC routing where the wood is carved away to create the 3 dimensional design.
After the carving is completed the plate is sprayed with a clear sealer. Then a matte black spray paint is applied to the entire surface. After the paint dries, the surface is sanded down to reveal the black letters and graphics in exquisite detail. Several coats of clear spray finish give the entire plaque a satin sheen that will protect it for years from sunlight fading damage.
Here is our CNC router.
This approach of building the majority of the urn ahead of time and customizing only the inscription plate allows us to keep prices reasonable and meet tight shipping deadlines.
Here are a few other examples:

The phrase you choose is limited only by your imagination and the space available on the plate. Since we are carving the words into hardwood, realistically the smallest font we can use is approximately 14pt depending on whether it is a sans serif or serif or script font.
There are many possible phrases you may want to include. Here are a few samples of the type of phrases people have chosen to memorialize their loved one. The choice is ultimately up to you:
- Forever in our hearts
- The best is yet to come.
- In our hearts you will always be
“Though absent you are very near
Still loved, still missed, and very dear” - In cherished memory of
- “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalm 23:1
- Forever Loved, Forever Missed
- Much loved and never forgotten.
- Our beloved Mother/Granny
- In loving memory of our dear wife/mother
- Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.
- Rest in Peace.
- In (Loving) Memory of.
- Forever Loved / Always Loved.
- Until We Meet Again
- Much Loved
- We Love You Always
- May She Rest in Peace
- In Cherished Memory Of
- Together Forever
Thank you for loving and sharing
For giving and for caring. - In our hearts your memory lingers,
- Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
A silent thought, a secret tear,
Keeps his memory ever dear.
Time eases the edge of grief,
Memory turns back every leaf. -
His charming ways and smiling face,
Are a pleasure to recall,
He had a kindly word for each,
And died beloved by all. - The song is ended, but the melody lingers on.
- Another Angel in Heaven
Be creative. We make absolutely no judgments based upon the phrase you desire. This is one of the most personal decisions you will make and should reflect your innermost thoughts to your loved one for all to see. The internet has countless other examples to give you ideas.